Social Care and Activities

Unfortunately, Covid restrictions meant that for a couple of years we had to stop our communal activities program but, at last, we have returned to a more normal schedule of activities. To get a feel of how things were prior to the restrictions and the sort of things we are now once again doing, please have a look at A Year at SNH 2019 to see what our residents got up during that year.

As each resident is an individual with their own interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes, we try to make the routine of daily life as flexible as possible by providing a varied program of events and group activities to appeal to the wide range of tastes. These can range from film and music afternoons to exercise sessions, knitting and sewing, cooking and baking.

Special occasions are celebrated from New Years Day through to New Year’s Eve!! Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, Easter, St George’s Day, Christmas, to name a few, are always a reason for a party and any national or special events such as a Royal Wedding or major sporting events are celebrated together and our annual fireworks display in November is particularly popular. Every resident’s birthday is also celebrated normally with a homemade cake.

Whatever the time of year we’re always finding reasons to enjoy and celebrate life here at Sunbury Nursing Homes!

Our Activity Team prepare a weekly schedule with a planned activity for each afternoon which takes place in the Conservatory or Weir House Drawing Room. Smaller group sessions are planned for some days in the smaller lounges, enabling the residents to have choice of activities.

Details of forthcoming events and activities are displayed and circulated around the home so that the residents and visitors are aware of what is going on. Care staff in all departments offer support and provide planned individual activities whenever possible which is ideal for residents who prefer not to join in with the group activities.

We are a member of National Association for Providers of Activities (NAPA) and have previously accepted some of their challenges such as Going 4 Gold“Food, Glorious Food” and  “Music in the Air”.

Sunbury Nursing Homes is home to all its residents and they are encouraged to maintain contact with family and friends. At the present time, we encourage visitors to come between 10.30 and 12.30  and between 14.00 and 16.30 in the afternoon when there are staff assigned to meet visitors on arrival. We do appreciate that this may not be convenient for some people and, if that is the case, we just ask that they phone prior to coming so we are aware in advance.  Residents are free to entertain visitors in their own rooms, one of the lounges or in the gardens and visitors are welcome to have a meal with the resident.

If required, one of the lounges can be booked for celebrating special occasions with friends and family. Birthdays and anniversaries are celebrated in accordance with the individual’s preferences and our catering department will bake a homemade cake accordingly.

The home has Wi-Fi connection throughout so access to email and the internet is always available for those who have their own computers, laptops or other devices. There are laptops available for use as well as computers in some of the day rooms for personal use as well as being an extra resource for activities.

Resident Surveys are held regularly, giving residents, staff and management a chance to discuss matters and come up with ideas for improvements and activities.

You can see more details on our ever changing activity program in our News & Events page.