Nursing Care

Our nursing care revolves around the individual’s care plan, which starts to be formed from our initial assessment visit. Following admission, the care plan is then developed with the resident contributing as much information as they would like on their social history, interests, likes and dislikes and how they would like their care to be managed.

If the resident is unable to provide the information themselves we encourage relatives or friends to give us as much information as possible. The resident’s individual needs are constantly monitored and care plans are regularly reviewed and updated.

Twenty four hour nursing care is then provided under direct supervision of fully qualified nursing staff in accordance with the individual care plan. Our nursing care team is made up of Nurse Managers and Staff Nurses complemented by Senior Carers and Care Assistants. The care team is also supported by a weekly visit from the homes’ contracted GP who oversees the medical needs of the residents. The trained nurses are all registered with their governing body, Nursing and Midwifery Council, and the senior carers all have a nationally recognised qualification in care and are assigned to specific departments of the home to ensure a continuity of the best possible care for our residents.

We are proud that all members of the staff are fully employed by Sunbury Nursing Homes Ltd and we have never had to use any agency staff, which helps us ensure the highest level of daily care.

In all areas of the home, the appropriate nursing equipment is readily available from mobile hoists to pressure relief equipment. All of our residents’ rooms are equipped with modern profiling beds, overhead hoist systems and a modern nurse call system, so assistance is always close at hand.

Medical Services

Medical attention is provided under the NHS and we ensure all new admissions are either registered with the home’s appointed GP, Doctor G Kamil, who visits on a weekly basis or with the resident’s existing GP if that is what is preferred.

Where appropriate, the GP with arrange for physiotherapy, speech therapy, chiropody, etc. under the NHS. However, arrangements can be made for some services to be provided on a private basis, if required.