Viewing the Home

We trust that you are finding our website informative. However, the best way to judge a nursing home is to see it in action, which will give you a real feel of the home. You will also have a chance to discuss fully the nursing needs required with our Manager or one of her Nurse Managers, and any financial or administrative queries with one of the Directors.

During your visit (see below) you will also be given a full tour of the home and feel free to talk to our residents and any of their relatives who may be visiting and also the staff about the service we provide. Although you are most welcome to view at any time without an appointment it is always helpful if you would contact us first so we can ensure that the relevant people are available at the required time.

Appointments to view can be made for any time by telephoning on 01932 785414 or 01932 787176.

Spring 2022 update on viewing

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions that we are currently having to make on visitors to the home, any viewing of the home will have to be restricted accordingly.  However, we appreciate how important it will be for you to have as much information about us before making any decisions. Please telephone us regarding viewing and we will advise as to the up to date situation and how we will be able to accommodate your needs.